If someone in the family says that there is an Dosha in the horoscope, kundali or astrological question, Sarpoposha or Rahu, Ketu is the worship of the Nagabalipuja. The reason for the Sarpa Dosha is because we hit a live serpent in this birth or previous birth, or if we see someone else beating or hitting a Sarpa, building a house, biting a serpent while weeding, torturing a serpent for the sake of treasure, worshiping a serpent, collecting snake poison Violence without listening to mothers The universal mythology says that this kind of ritual is the curse of the serpent. 

The Problems of the Sarpa Dosha

• Marriage delay

• Offspring trouble

• Financial difficulty

• Dermatitis

• Heart disease

• Abdominal distention etc. Sarpasapatha Solution

NagaBali Puja in the shrine.

• Sarpa Samskara

• Nagabali worship

• Ashlesha Bali worship

• Rahu Ketu Shanti

• The Naga Dosha is solved by performing puja etc

The time of the NagaBali Puja

Worship at the time of The Uttarayana Parvakala, Shukla Paksha Panchami, Shashti, Dashami, Purnima